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Time like never before...

Time like never before...

Catherine Brennan

We all thought that Brexit was such a huge deal until now. We have entered into the most frightening times since Second World War. It's coronavirus that has changed our last two weeks into something we could never predict. Another day before we reach the end of March 2020 and we all have to stay at home to protect lives, to protect our key workers, to protect ourselves. People are dying around the World as the virus has spread internationally. In this sad time, majority of businesses are shut. Thankfully there's enough to keep us busy: projects that were booked over the last three months and are not finished yet, time to focus on updating website but most important - time to focus on ourselves, close ones, neighbours and local community. So I as a representative of New Forest Designs have taken a decision to become a volunteer for Lyndhurst and Emery Down Community Emergencies Actions group. The free lavender cushions gifts are being made on requests, food shopping deliveries to the people who are isolating and free online relaxation classes are being provided weekly. We will get through this!