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Our coronavirus business continuity plans in place...

Our coronavirus business continuity plans in place...

Catherine Brennan

The current health emergency is no doubt causing disruption to our business but we would like to however assure our clients that we are open for business so please do call us with any queries you may have.

The new enquiries will be processed in a usual manner. Please call us or send us email. Please don't visit our workshop as its sadly closed to public at this time.

New Forest Designs Ltd is volunteering and supporting local community by creating small heart lavender cushions to these most vulnerable ones who are in need, feeling lonely and/ or isolated. So feel free to contact us if you would like one to be sent to your loved one to lift their spirits.

There are some temporary changes within our team. Neil Brennan is going to be now representing the company. Purely Personal Marketing is providing social media marketing support by Robyn Griffin. Catherine Brennan is being furloughed as of Monday 6th April but will obviously return as soon as possible.